Friday, February 11, 2011

week two

Hi y'all

Two weeks in and Im already tired but lucky me Boss was out of town today so I got to work at home-is that awsumness or what?  Working on 4 projects simultaneously-geez!!going from one thing to the next is uncool coz it never gets done. But I'm really excited about one particular project. I've been to a relatives church last year and notice that people came to the church to give thanks but some how neglected to maintain the "house of the Lord". I took it upon myself that one day I'd like to give this church a face-lift and restore it to its former glory and low and behold I started working on it yesterday-now thats what I call a blessing. I guess I was out of a job for a while for a reason -this was waiting for me. So I encourage all of you out there, dream big, dream small but what ever you do, keep dreaming!-it can only happen if you believe it.

Peace Brothers (& sisters)

Friday, February 4, 2011


This was my debut week as an Architectural Intern. I accepted an offer Monday morning, half and hour later got to the office and not long thereafter was off to council - all before noon! The next two days I settled in, got acquainted with the daily running of things, bonded with a few cats and made coffee from a gas stove for the first time. I started draughting on autocad 2006 (a later version to what we are accustom to). The two projects I am busy with are minor renovations and extentions to existing residential houses. Who knew for such minor things one needs so much detail and information. I learnt on Monday-will chating to those at Council-that alot of information/detail is needed at the zoning counter regarding the purpose/function of the building(s) proposed. Example, if you are building a creche, thay need to know the schedule pertaining to play time and nap time so that the neighbours are aware of its daily operations and that they are not disturded. You also require a whole sherbang of documentations. I always knew Architects had a lot on their plates but when I heard that in the UK they need to summit site diagrams to show where they are going to mix cement and so on because you can't just mix it anywhere i.e. the road, because you will get dust on the nextdoor neighbours property!!!  So now we have to do more unnecessary work. This has however been an interesting first week, learnt alot, got to explore on my own for two days while the architect was away, and got to sleep early this week and wake up a WHOLE hour later!!  long hours in front of the computer is un cool though. Until later. Chow