Friday, May 27, 2011

23-27 MARCH

Good evening.
A pretty quiet week: completing odd jobs,making changes
to others and in-and-out of council,so nothing out of the
ordinary apart from waiting for over 2hrs at Khayalitsha
council. Not ayoba!! Filled in a couple of new submission
forms-understand them a little better. A lot of other
confusing bits still. Learnt how to retrieve site diagram
for council-quite simple. Completed a presentation drawing
for new client-so I was in my element with my crayons!!
Never heard from client though. However,another client was
happy with drawings so he's off to get quotes-what a happy
Chap. Discovered a lot of small things with his drawing.
The importance of a chimney dimension on an elevation,using
the right line weight to show depth-pretty tricky when you've
got old/new work intertwined-and a few other tiny things aswell.

So that was my chilled week. Till next week.

Happy working

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