Saturday, July 23, 2011


Hello again,

This week was very slow - work is getting done at a pace that snails could overtake. Uncool!!
The more we try to finalise work, the more work we get. For some reason they just keep rolling in.
I'm not complaining -but its suddenly building season. I am glad to report that a number of projects
are indeed ready for council and clients are satisfied and ready to build. And, there are others that
are currently undergoing construction-YIPPEE. I suppose funds were on the down-low ,therefore
building was put on hold for a very long while. The church which I drew at the beginning of the year
is actually undergoing remodeling. Was on site on Friday and saw the progress. Lots of demolition work.
They removed the 10m high ceiling (needs restructuring) and the rotating stage which was used as an altar.
Tough labour. Had a brief meeting with the roof guy, the floor guy, the carpenter guy, the sound guy, the electrician and some other dudes regarding the next step. We discussed things like appropriate ceiling boards that are cost effective, well insulated and aesthetically pleasing/that matched the existing ceiling boards. The  large church was not insulated at all and had vinyl floor tiles-I was in shivers for the duration of the meeting. And the poor builds were extremely hot due to the intense labour and machinery. Bad Designer!! For not having a fire escape plan in a large public space as well! There were quite alot of things I learnt on this particular day - how to deal with those on the job, listening to their opinion and reminding them that you designed things for a reason and that they should adhere to it. You Know What You Talking About!! I also spent the day calling building centres - enquiring about a new material/product that we need for a certain job that requires a specific roof sheet. Wow, how does one spend so much time running around without running at all?  Beats me. But Alas! all is well-I survived a couple of dead lines but there are still many more to go.

Better get my running shoes ready for next week.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Garage Galore

Helle there.

This week I just did one thing- Garages!
A client whose house we busy with, wants
us to draw up plans for his business. He
needs over 500 garages, a combination of
6x3m & 3x3m. They must be made from
vibacrete & are to be used as storage.
They also require a admin building & a
security kiosk at the entrance. The site
is huge- over 19 000 hecters!! The client
needs to get this project rolling soon,
so we've been pushing to get this done.
Simple little garages of all things. So
We've been doing option after option to
Hit the numbers. By the end of the week
we finally had something to work with.
And while we were caught up doing this
little task- we received more projects &
old ones still need to be finalized.
Talk about pressure.

Let's see what next week brings.

Happy learning!

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Good morning-so tired thought its friday!
Interesting week, learn't a lot. Most of
our projects are proceeding & heading to
Council, which is a good sign. New work
is still rolling in which keeps our little
business afloat to some degree. Went to
Khayalitsha & South Peninsular Municipality
once again & dropped docs off @ clients
home-its nice to know with what & how you
are dealing with, makes thigs so much
better to understand. Mr Bossman still
advises me on footings/dims/lineweights/
Text/title sizes and so on- thsee little
things can be crucial for clients &
Builders to understand & interprate it
correctly. Went on site as well to check
a few measurement because the original
plans where pretty useless. Once we got
that done I managed to do all the changes
& new week. I realised I'm working much
faster because I understand things better.
Sure I'm not as quick as Flash Gordan-
But I'm betting there.

Half the year has already gone bye- here's
to the next bit of amazing!

Cherry oh

Friday, July 1, 2011

Winter Warmer

Gooden Tar!
This week was pretty intense & chilled aswell. weird.
Went to council this week- learnt quite a bit about departures
& so on-getting to know the folks at Athlone & Khayalitsha
Municipality-good for future contacts. Finished a big project
today-clients happy so council submission can begin. We only had
120sqm to work with on a 8100sqm site!! Pretty tight.

Filled in more council forms-getting firmiliar with the blinking
Stuff. Did the odd phone call & email- so office management is under

Went on site today-got brief & measured up existing house. Have 9m
From house to boundary to work with but according to title deed
we may not exceed 9m (building line),tough but look forward to tackling
this on monday.

Until next week-
Toodle Loo