Saturday, July 9, 2011


Good morning-so tired thought its friday!
Interesting week, learn't a lot. Most of
our projects are proceeding & heading to
Council, which is a good sign. New work
is still rolling in which keeps our little
business afloat to some degree. Went to
Khayalitsha & South Peninsular Municipality
once again & dropped docs off @ clients
home-its nice to know with what & how you
are dealing with, makes thigs so much
better to understand. Mr Bossman still
advises me on footings/dims/lineweights/
Text/title sizes and so on- thsee little
things can be crucial for clients &
Builders to understand & interprate it
correctly. Went on site as well to check
a few measurement because the original
plans where pretty useless. Once we got
that done I managed to do all the changes
& new week. I realised I'm working much
faster because I understand things better.
Sure I'm not as quick as Flash Gordan-
But I'm betting there.

Half the year has already gone bye- here's
to the next bit of amazing!

Cherry oh

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