Sunday, December 11, 2011


This past week was pretty chilled, although there were tons of deadlines and lots of pressure-it didnt seem to phase me. It felt like I was doing ten things at once- a work mode that doesn't happen often with me. Alot was accomplished this week. Made a couple of phone calls to council for progress on drawings. Called around to building supplies stores for materials costs and delivery. Interesting exercise. One really needs to be careful when ordering materials. Companies can sell you products for good prices but may exclude delivery cost or labour. While others include all of the above at a much higher price but the quantity might be insufficient. So we need to read between the lines so to speak and negociate reasonable prices with the suppliers. Three council summissions were completed and another few more were approved. Excellent productivity for the week. I designed a metal gate for one of our previous clients and they are currently installing a mini road which we designed for cancer children to ride around on there little motor cycles in the back yard. Any design, no matter how insignificant or small always has a deeper meaning. 

I also customed designed metal flashing to go over rooflights above a closed pergola. We wanted to use and cut out a single sheet of metal to fit snuggishly over the rooflight like a puzzel but the sheets only came in certain sizes so we had no choice but to settle for a two part flashing. The pergola roof is now finally complete with flashing and all, and the windows are currently being put in place. It's a wonderful things to see your drawings being brought to 'life'. There were a number of structures that were completed- some of which I never got to see. But it sure is a satisfying feeling knowing that you had some part to do with it.

I'll soak up everything this last week has to offer, commit it to memory and try and apply it to all my future endevours.

Happy working! 

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