Thursday, December 22, 2011


The last week of work was very strange. We still had incompleted projects and new work was still coming in. I thought I was going to have to work over time for about a week. Mr Bossman took us out for a magnificent three course breakfast. I stuffed myself to make up for the year. Mr Bossman plans on letting me in on his future endervours and I am entirely grateful for the experience, the lessons and the harsh criticism at times. (Without correction- we can't improve ourselves.) Although my pockets were half empty, the amout of exposure I received was overflowing. There are still tons more that I need to learn, discovered and experience but its all in good time.

I must admit that juggling work and studies was somewhat challenging for me this year. It was't particularly difficult, just a lot of learning in unfirmiliar territory-in terms of facebook and blogging and 'office management'. Academically I was very slack, I felt like I was in a permanent holiday mode. I did okay, considering I passed. But I'll definately put my back in to it next year, with more time and efford. I kinda gave myself some leaway this year due to the hectic year we had in 2010, pretty silly idea. I consciously put myself in a relaxed state this year and that's exactly the outcome I got. So I reckon the mind is a pretty powerful thing. So its full steam ahead for 2012 and lots of excitment.

This year was a great learning experience and I look forward to the next.

May the blogging continue - Cheers!

Sunday, December 11, 2011


This past week was pretty chilled, although there were tons of deadlines and lots of pressure-it didnt seem to phase me. It felt like I was doing ten things at once- a work mode that doesn't happen often with me. Alot was accomplished this week. Made a couple of phone calls to council for progress on drawings. Called around to building supplies stores for materials costs and delivery. Interesting exercise. One really needs to be careful when ordering materials. Companies can sell you products for good prices but may exclude delivery cost or labour. While others include all of the above at a much higher price but the quantity might be insufficient. So we need to read between the lines so to speak and negociate reasonable prices with the suppliers. Three council summissions were completed and another few more were approved. Excellent productivity for the week. I designed a metal gate for one of our previous clients and they are currently installing a mini road which we designed for cancer children to ride around on there little motor cycles in the back yard. Any design, no matter how insignificant or small always has a deeper meaning. 

I also customed designed metal flashing to go over rooflights above a closed pergola. We wanted to use and cut out a single sheet of metal to fit snuggishly over the rooflight like a puzzel but the sheets only came in certain sizes so we had no choice but to settle for a two part flashing. The pergola roof is now finally complete with flashing and all, and the windows are currently being put in place. It's a wonderful things to see your drawings being brought to 'life'. There were a number of structures that were completed- some of which I never got to see. But it sure is a satisfying feeling knowing that you had some part to do with it.

I'll soak up everything this last week has to offer, commit it to memory and try and apply it to all my future endevours.

Happy working! 

Sunday, December 4, 2011


This week clients were rushing to get work / drawings to council in order to get approval for construction and renovations to take place over the festive season. So far we've had to deal with lots of small spaces that were not functioning properly or working well for the household. Clients are not prepared to spend thousands of Rands on renovations, so they expect the smallest of improvements to work. However, the addition of 2-5 square metres or the cheaper flat roof they intend using is sometimes pointless, not worth the trouble or just down right not pretty looking. I've been fortunate to be given the platform to design or improve the spaces of some of these homes. Our most recent project was trying to get as much natural light into an old Victorian house. The house is south facing with plants and trees all round. They don't want to loose or demolish any of the existing building. The existing hallway and new guest loo gets no light at all and tube lights are not possible because of the loft space in the attic (which I think is quite cool). So our best options (which the clients prefers) are clerestory windows on the internal walls which will allow light to pass through from room to room. Not the most genius of ideas but certainly the most effective for the space to function well.

There were plenty of other design challenges that had to be met and I'm looking forward to the week ahead.

I've been putting my Intertior Decorating Diploma to good use for the last two weekends. Redecorating and choosing colour palates for a holiday home in Hermanus. Painting wasn't part of the course but there I was-standing on ladders for 8 hours.

I suppose the most rewarding part of the business we're in, is the foresight we have and the ability to creatively apply design solutions that will improve, enhance and liven up the spaces we move in each day- adding comfort, pleasure and value to some insignificant spaces.    

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The Final Stretch

Hi all,

I cant believe 10 months have passed. A part of me feels like I have learnt alot and another part feels like there is still lots to discover and I'm running out of time. Sure you cant always exerpience everything in a year but the thought stills scares me. I was in a bit of a slump last week and was under-performing. After the MIP project in Elgin-it seemed I knew nothing about autocad. I had a slow start to the week-Mr Bossman gave me a talking too and I eventually recovered (so I think). Small projects keep rolling in, aside from the mola. What erks me is when clients rush you and demand drawings, you pull your hair out for them but they dont return the favour. So in this field or any other for that matter-ruthlessness has to come to the party- to get what you are worth. I am familiar with the admin work, council submissions and forms etc, but for future encounters I definitely need to brush up on my people skills- not that I lack any- but to establish good clientel and to have a profitable business mind.

I have a month left of my intenship-I plan to soak it all in and absorb as much as I can.

Here's to the final stretch!    

Sunday, November 6, 2011



What an amazing two weeks. The multi grade project in Elgin was an eventful experience. Credit to all the lecturers, supervisors and students that took part. I've experienced team building to the tenth degree-building structures and working as a collective, hence "team building". Sure there were times when students were at each other, some frustrated, others tired and over worked, some not communicating well or not understanding the task at hand but we overcame those obstacles and got the job done. And I have to say that there was more encouragement than discouragement. What we produced this week was the result of the learning that took place in the office over the last nine months, the knowledge that was gained in 1st year, and our peers for making this achievement an unforgettable one. What we've learnt might not only be theological- concerning Architecture and the built environment but life lessons too. Ones that were taught through action and not words. And by doing, we achieve so much more. We build futures, we realise dreams, we create hope and possibilities by providing a simple, positive change which improves our surroundings and environment. This altars the way we think, the way we choose to experience a space - the way forward. I am happy knowing that as children ourselves, we have the power, the means and the resources to enrich the lives of children less fortunate than ourselves with a space through which positive, creative and active learning can take place.     

Good job guys!
Now for the final home stretch!!

Friday, October 21, 2011


Hi there...

What a fun month so far. Did quite a bit of interesting things, including some admin work. A number of projects have been approved by council-and more importantly buildings are going up now. One of the projects which I started earlier this year (Church of the Resurrection) is finally complete. I haven't seen the end result yet but I am particularly proud of this project. It has a lot of symbolic meaning for me considering my long discouraging search for a job at the beginning of the year. This project gave me "faith" to keep having faith. The fact that I have a family member as a parishioner is like a double whammy. As of late I've done three churches- a blessing really. I've noted with these churches that we have beautified them for a specific purpose, not just for pretty sake. We should never lose sight of why we make things auestectically pleasing or strive for perfection. To live your best life- we need to honour the space in which we occupy.

Another reason why some things look pretty is credit to their details.  Did lots of this this week, as well as some scheduling. Some details were hard to understand and complicated and others straight-forward and simple. But I definitely need some more exposure in this department. 

An eventful week and look forward to the following two.

Cant wait to start building - Hello Elgin!

Friday, September 23, 2011


Hi all.

Spring is in the air and work is great- I think. The past fews weeks were pretty cool. Some interesting projects and some not - like the usual domestic additions (how fancy!). But alas, got a few projects approved which is always good news. For the good stuff I did some industrial and commercial work which got the go ahead-just lovely isn't it!  A Butchery in Tokia and a Hotti Totti Call centre in Tygervally. Threw in some institutional work too - just for fun-such as a school and a church or two. Oh and lets not forget the Owl Night Shelter in Lansdowne for the homeless to add to the variety. Did'nt quite realise all that I was doing until I wrote this down. Some of it is not that hectic but it sure is exciting to work on buildings that function differently or that does require an addtional room with a 600 x 600 window! With the exception of the Owl Night Shelter ofcouse-that we must! And to add to the excitment -the huge storage/garage project which we completed a fews weeks ago (after a dozen changes), was cancelled. The banked is not able to fund the project. Poor client. Has to go back to the drawing board, new business proposal, new drawing plans, new engineers, new money, new everything! Oh happy days. Just what we needed to get the sunshine rolling! Yes, we like this-doing things over! and over! and over! So I'll be eating more cake to make up for lost funds and to keep me happy. But if its one thing I leant fromt this- not everything is in our control. So if we don't try and take that risk we will never know- Its called perseverance-and boy do we need it in this industry.

So like Johnny, lets keep walking people and embrace the sunshine.

Friday, September 2, 2011

August Rush


The past two weeks were pretty cool. Did loads
of designing and presentation drawings.
Although most of them were minor exstentions and
out-buildings, they were still fun to do. One
would think its pretty easy stuff(and it is) but
some drawings do take a while. There's a lot of
work and thought that needs to be done, what
will work and what won't, weighing your options,
the best possible solutions, affordability but
not losing sight on quality. Its the best part-
trying to create a space that is
comfortable and efficient. So the design process
is worth it-that is our job description after all.

Mr Bossman apologised for all the amendments I had
to do - he knows it sucks(I couldn't keep track of
all the projects), but I told him I loved it and
didn't mind the exploration process. He says its
better if it was your own house you were designing
and I agree. But I reckon why not share your gift
of design and allow the next person to live their
best life in the best environment?

Happy designing.

Oh, and Go Bokke!!!

Friday, August 5, 2011

August Rush

Hi There,

This week was very tense. Focused mainly on one major job for the past 3 weeks. Simple storage units but all the changes are a nightmare. Its a fairly large site with 570 storage units (consisting of 6x3m & 3x3m vibracrete fencing), a 120 square metre abministration building and a security kiosk. We've made more that 8 changes for each one trying to find the appropriate option for the client-his very specific. So if its one thing I need to learn -its patience and trying to make amendments that doesn't take 100 years! The only upside to the week was a Council submission for an additional verandah to an existing balcony, which was approaved in only 3 days! How ever small-I was impressed. Nothing significant took place this week apart from discussing the Lutheran Complex saga, learning a thing or two about Heritage, discovering new materials i.e. Thermospan-brilliant product, apparentely its been around since 1992 (don't know where I've been?) and seen what goes on in manholes (just to understand draingage better) nothing fancy that I can tell you!

Anyway, Happy learning people

Saturday, July 23, 2011


Hello again,

This week was very slow - work is getting done at a pace that snails could overtake. Uncool!!
The more we try to finalise work, the more work we get. For some reason they just keep rolling in.
I'm not complaining -but its suddenly building season. I am glad to report that a number of projects
are indeed ready for council and clients are satisfied and ready to build. And, there are others that
are currently undergoing construction-YIPPEE. I suppose funds were on the down-low ,therefore
building was put on hold for a very long while. The church which I drew at the beginning of the year
is actually undergoing remodeling. Was on site on Friday and saw the progress. Lots of demolition work.
They removed the 10m high ceiling (needs restructuring) and the rotating stage which was used as an altar.
Tough labour. Had a brief meeting with the roof guy, the floor guy, the carpenter guy, the sound guy, the electrician and some other dudes regarding the next step. We discussed things like appropriate ceiling boards that are cost effective, well insulated and aesthetically pleasing/that matched the existing ceiling boards. The  large church was not insulated at all and had vinyl floor tiles-I was in shivers for the duration of the meeting. And the poor builds were extremely hot due to the intense labour and machinery. Bad Designer!! For not having a fire escape plan in a large public space as well! There were quite alot of things I learnt on this particular day - how to deal with those on the job, listening to their opinion and reminding them that you designed things for a reason and that they should adhere to it. You Know What You Talking About!! I also spent the day calling building centres - enquiring about a new material/product that we need for a certain job that requires a specific roof sheet. Wow, how does one spend so much time running around without running at all?  Beats me. But Alas! all is well-I survived a couple of dead lines but there are still many more to go.

Better get my running shoes ready for next week.

Saturday, July 16, 2011

Garage Galore

Helle there.

This week I just did one thing- Garages!
A client whose house we busy with, wants
us to draw up plans for his business. He
needs over 500 garages, a combination of
6x3m & 3x3m. They must be made from
vibacrete & are to be used as storage.
They also require a admin building & a
security kiosk at the entrance. The site
is huge- over 19 000 hecters!! The client
needs to get this project rolling soon,
so we've been pushing to get this done.
Simple little garages of all things. So
We've been doing option after option to
Hit the numbers. By the end of the week
we finally had something to work with.
And while we were caught up doing this
little task- we received more projects &
old ones still need to be finalized.
Talk about pressure.

Let's see what next week brings.

Happy learning!

Saturday, July 9, 2011


Good morning-so tired thought its friday!
Interesting week, learn't a lot. Most of
our projects are proceeding & heading to
Council, which is a good sign. New work
is still rolling in which keeps our little
business afloat to some degree. Went to
Khayalitsha & South Peninsular Municipality
once again & dropped docs off @ clients
home-its nice to know with what & how you
are dealing with, makes thigs so much
better to understand. Mr Bossman still
advises me on footings/dims/lineweights/
Text/title sizes and so on- thsee little
things can be crucial for clients &
Builders to understand & interprate it
correctly. Went on site as well to check
a few measurement because the original
plans where pretty useless. Once we got
that done I managed to do all the changes
& new week. I realised I'm working much
faster because I understand things better.
Sure I'm not as quick as Flash Gordan-
But I'm betting there.

Half the year has already gone bye- here's
to the next bit of amazing!

Cherry oh

Friday, July 1, 2011

Winter Warmer

Gooden Tar!
This week was pretty intense & chilled aswell. weird.
Went to council this week- learnt quite a bit about departures
& so on-getting to know the folks at Athlone & Khayalitsha
Municipality-good for future contacts. Finished a big project
today-clients happy so council submission can begin. We only had
120sqm to work with on a 8100sqm site!! Pretty tight.

Filled in more council forms-getting firmiliar with the blinking
Stuff. Did the odd phone call & email- so office management is under

Went on site today-got brief & measured up existing house. Have 9m
From house to boundary to work with but according to title deed
we may not exceed 9m (building line),tough but look forward to tackling
this on monday.

Until next week-
Toodle Loo

Friday, June 24, 2011

June Bug

Hello there. This week, similar to the last two was
pretty quiet. Council approved most of our old drawings
so there's no major work to be done. Clients are either
gathering their finances or getting quotes to proceed
with the next step. Other client's are contemplating
their options & others are sorting out paper work/Title
Deeds. So in the mean-time, while we wait-got two new
projects. The one carport exstention is pretty straight
forward but the 2nd not so much-but it was achievable!
Went with Mr Bossman to meet client-was very empowering.
Observed how they interacted & deliberated on key concerns
- they asked for imput,gave my 2 cents,was wonderful!
Seeing the canvas/your clients home-is far better than
having simple plans to work from. You have an idea of how
their spaces work & how things function in the house hold.
You can then give options/ideas to best suite the clients
needs & the space. I couldn't do this effectively from
the computer screen. So it helps to know your client (over
The phone doesn't count). I learn't a lot from that particular
experience just like many others. I'm beginning to get a feel
for how building junctions work-that I suppose comes with constant
drawing. Just need to master the drainage section-still confuses
me but i'l get there. Familiar-rising myself with new council
submission forms now, getting the hang of it-as well as the job!!

Happy working

Friday, May 27, 2011

23-27 MARCH

Good evening.
A pretty quiet week: completing odd jobs,making changes
to others and in-and-out of council,so nothing out of the
ordinary apart from waiting for over 2hrs at Khayalitsha
council. Not ayoba!! Filled in a couple of new submission
forms-understand them a little better. A lot of other
confusing bits still. Learnt how to retrieve site diagram
for council-quite simple. Completed a presentation drawing
for new client-so I was in my element with my crayons!!
Never heard from client though. However,another client was
happy with drawings so he's off to get quotes-what a happy
Chap. Discovered a lot of small things with his drawing.
The importance of a chimney dimension on an elevation,using
the right line weight to show depth-pretty tricky when you've
got old/new work intertwined-and a few other tiny things aswell.

So that was my chilled week. Till next week.

Happy working

Friday, May 20, 2011


Hi there.
Short week-started relaxed and ended in chaos ofcourse.
Didn't work on to many things this week. Explored a lot
and did quite a bit of designing. Did the odd phone calls
& admin work & suppose to meet a client today to discuss
final drawings but had to postpone due to an urgent
ammendment. Council wouldn't approve a few things on a
previous drawing so we fafed around for a few hrs to
satisfy councils very unimportant needs. Had to be done-
Construction was already underway. Lots of pressure & lots
of shouting this week. But its all good-i live. let's
see what next week holds.


Friday, May 13, 2011

02-13 MAY

Hello good-evening.

The past two weeks have been very interesting. Did the small odd jobs and started on a major one -so huge there's not enough memory on a cad drawing. A new school- Christel House in Ottery, which was funded and designed by Americans. A teacher approached us to add additions to the existing school. They needed store rooms, a technology room, a pavillion and sports facilities such as netball, basketball & tennis courts etc as well as a track, which i'm pretty excited about. Phase one went under-way (store & tech. room), had meetings and changed there minds. Just great. Spent all that precious time for nothing. Lesson- give proper briefs/make sure the client knows what he wants/provided as many suitable options before they waste your time. But this is how it goes so we wait for phase two.

Did my share if administrative work aswell. Went a few times to council/called them for progress- which was a drag ofcourse but there was this one particular lady whom I have'nt seen before. She gave me some insight as to why we need to pay certain fees and what forms we need for particular jobs & their purpose. Very informative and paticient but I still dont like council. Filled in a couple of complicated forms-they all the same to me. I even got to speak to the traffic engineer for an ammendent-felt so empowered. Its nice communicating with the top notches face-to-face.

Went on site to Constantia, an old client who wanted to add a boundary wall & make his driveway parallel to his house-which is currently at a slant due to the curved boundary. Seemed pretty simple untill we drew it up and realised the degree of the slope. It is Constantia after all. Did some changes to the ground-took a little & gave a little now we have a semi-floating sliding gate (need to add a rack) but at least we dont have a 30 degree sliding gate or 2300mm high walls. Small architectural problem effectively solved. Lesson-clients want certain things, to achieve them-we have to provide smart solutions that are funtional and legal. There are certain obsticals that affect design that clients are sometimes not aware of i.e. sloping sites /heights of neighbours boundary walls (depending on the nature of location/property).

Mr Bossman also ask me to design a bench for a bay window for his holiday house. A small exercise to see my idea/point of view/design skills, compared to his prefered option. He ended up combinding my idea with his and started building it today-What! Cool!

There are many aspects to architecture-from tiny benches to sloping sites-and either way the experience/possibilities are always wonderful.

Happy learning.

Friday, April 29, 2011

25-29 APRIL

Hi there, excuse the delay in communication but these public holidays just slows things down. And what do you know-yet another one on monday.But Im not complaining. Ive had an eventfull 2 weeks so far. Last week we went on site and measured up a huge industrustial building in Epping,(the one with the ducts below NGL) just to make sure that every measurement is accurate,its a matter of life & death with this one. The project is however progressing nicely, now the nerve-racking part is over. Small projects have been coming in as usual and i've been doing some of the designing and presentation drawings which makes me happy. I started my own project last week, consulted with my first official client (my Aunt-dont tell!!) and its been a blast-doing small projects is really fun,exploring options, giving ideas. Mr Bossman gave me a couple of browsers and catalogues which i regularly collect, they'r helpful and give some direction as to where you headed. Its all I think about. Her house. How its goinig to look.  How the space will change and how it will free her and make her feel- lighter & refreshed. Spaces can do that for you if you know how to treat it. I recently recieved my decorating diploma from intec which i was completing on the side and i just want to beautify everything i see-thats why I'm tackling my grans house-she deserves it and its fun. But my biggest moment came today. Mr Bossman ask me if i would like to spread my wings and be the eagle i'm suppose to be. Not some little birdie locked in a cage. I was scared, it was daunting but i said yes anyway. without fear there wont be anything to overcome. So, i officially met with my first real client, FOR-REAL!! Someone who's not related to me! Found the place, consulted, measured, gave ideas, was'nt intimidated, gave more advice, felt nice, final brief then bid my goodbyes. Sheer bliss. Cant wait to get cracker-lacking on tuesday. fun fun fun.
Have a good workers day on monday-which means dont work!
(until tuesday) - im sorry i had to

Friday, April 8, 2011

04-08 APRIL

Another interesting week. Just when you thought you were done-think again!! Two projects had to undergo more changes and I think for the better. Had to put my thinking cap on and play around with my favourate part-designning. I had to swop the braai/entertainment area with the tv room of the complicated house(Marquard) and it made more sense. Spaces seem to flow and open up and it just worked! House Sonn was my favourate yet. Client wanted an additional room and lucky for him the house is now perfectly symmetrical and well balanced. From a T - to an U-floor plan, private and public spaces are now separated harmouniously yet are linked/are in a good relation to each other. Final touches on the elevations still need to be done but when the plan functions and works well-thats the main priority. Had more valuable lessons with Mr Bossman on the design process - what to look for and how to understand your clients needs; the sizes of rooms in relation with each other; how to achieve symmetry/balance/harmony with simple things such as window/pillar placements etc.Saw some pics of good buildings and how not to design.Fun! At the end of all of this excitement I had to do a small change to a block (on autocad). Easy right? Not so much! Had to rotate dimensions and text in two different directions whilse in 3 different blocks! Oh man- when I saw the drawing I nearly cried/wet my pants- I cant tell I was to overwhelmed. The task was easy enough but not when you dealing with large machinery on one level spaning 60m and ducts below NGL on a site larger than 2000m2!!!! (sure this may be small for some but not when you have little experience). And autocad can mess with your mind-for real! Each measurement is of uttmost importance and Mr Bossman entrusted me! an intern!with his life! to do this! a rediculously easy task!that may cost my career!how could he!! I just pray I have the strength to make that daungting change on Monday-Then I'l be able to say I conquered ducts!!!
Happy drawing

Friday, April 1, 2011


Good Day All.

This week was pretty chilled. Doing amendments once again which was very productive. I spoke directly to a client who was very pleased with the drawings I sent her. She would now like to proceed with the next step and I'm extremely chuffed about our little engagement. (I know its a small step-but its a step indeed). We received an additional two small jobs for a boundary wall-nothing out of the ordinary! And finally we came to a point of reference with our "mansion" drawing, which we had to merge with another. It was very confusing and complicated but its starting to come together. Barry and I (the Boss-man) had frequent chats this week about how to conduct ones-self with clients and at council (which I will do progressively during the year) which  was informative. He believes that there are many parts to architecture. 1. Council - running around like a maniac, 2. Designing-sure bliss (at times), 3. Meetings /consulting with clients which can be daunting depending on the client of course and then there are other things involved in architecture aswell. But Barry likes to think that I'm more suited to handle clients-because I have a certain way with people. I would have prefered designing but a compliments a compliment hey and I look forward to working on all of those skills. I also had the opportunity to scan a detailed quote on one particular job. And detailed it was! From sand to sand paper and everything else to the teeny tinyiest of materials including labour, which came to about R40 000.00. A second quote came to literally double the amount with absolutely no detail as to how they arrived at that amount, excluding labour. Lesson-always to your homework!

Enjoyed learning this week. Till next time

Friday, March 25, 2011

22-25 MARCH

Hi there,
For a short work week I feel like I accomplished alot. The usual amendments and colouring for council and an additional five new drawings. The first is a small bathroom extention to an existing house with a little loft in Mowray-very cute. The second  is a playroom, bedroom, bathroom and kiosk extention to a dwelling in Worcester and I had the privilege to consult with both the above clients. Its a good feeling knowing that they know you incharge of their drawings-even more pressure not to mess up. The third drawing is a semi detached house in Athlone, very small living space but the back yard has lots of potential. The clients would like a stoep at the front entrance and a laundry room, entertainment/braai area, outhouse and pool at the back. The fourth client is also in Athlone but has a much larger house in comparision. They are having a total renovation. The lounge becomes a bedroom with en-suit and walk in dressing room. The kitchen is extended and the lounge and dining- room become open plan where the bedrooms were. I particularly like this rearragement because the living space now opens up onto the new patio with swing doors and over looks the new pool and - the living area now faces a sunnier/warmer north, very inviting. I also got to play around with the interior design and layout of the spacific rooms. Very nice. The firth house was a huge mansion-can't remember which area but they too added an entertainment/braai area, bar and pool. It does seem a bit overwhelming adding to an already big house on a not so big plot. The space feels a bit tight looking onto the site-the living spaces are fine though, I suppose they need more room - just to many buildings, the coverage percentage is to much for my liking. Talk about difficulty, I had to merge this drawing with another architects drawing. He has is own drawing techniques and so I had to change those standards to ours ofcourse. Very time consuming but worth the effort. A lovely end to a lovely short week but the Proteas just had to spoil it!!!

Till next time

Monday, March 21, 2011

14 - 18 MARCH

Last week was pretty quiet. I did amendments once again to small jobs(which we do weekly) such as boundary walls and entrances,  entertainment areas, carports and porches, a pool here and there and so on.
We did however do some more work on the church and got a few things finilised, just waiting on some quotes and prices in order to go ahead. I also started doing some changes on an industrial building in Athlone and I have officially been on my first site visit measuring up the existing building (clearly needs alot of work). I have also been to sites that have "opened" their completed projects to the public such as CHOC, an organisation that treats, and provides a temporary home in Cape Town for cancer patience living in rural/disadvantage communities out of Cape Town, who do not have the access to proper treatment. Renavations were done to the house to accommodate up to 20 patients including theirs families. Alot of work went into providing storage and access to medication and supplies and to ensure that the patients and their families have a healthy and comfortable stay to ensure a successful recovery. Its absolutely inspiring to see what architecture can do to help those in deperate need. A simple space for healing. A second site visit was to the inarguration of the Athlone pre-primary school hall. A simple structure with a barrel roof. It was pretty effective in terms of staying within the budget and achieving a pleasing design whilse using eco-friendly materials such as facebrick and corrugated sheeting to name a few. They did however fall short on numbers. There is not enough space for the no. of children the school has and the no. of toilets are insufficient-two for almost 250 little people!! In terms of historical context the building completly missed the plot - but I doubt the children would notice!! It was however an absolute pleasing learning this week.   

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Marching On

The past two weeks have been extremely hectic, completing new sets of drawings in a day!and doing a hundred and 10 other things simulatiously (pressure, pressure, pressure) but I'm not complaining.  Boss keeps asking if i had enough of this -we all know how demanding it can get. But thats the challenge, if we want to succeed and be rewarded we need to worked hard under unbearable conditions at times. I know i not as efficient and quick as my boss would like when it comes to completing drawings, but im getting there, and i will conquer it all.

peace out

Friday, February 11, 2011

week two

Hi y'all

Two weeks in and Im already tired but lucky me Boss was out of town today so I got to work at home-is that awsumness or what?  Working on 4 projects simultaneously-geez!!going from one thing to the next is uncool coz it never gets done. But I'm really excited about one particular project. I've been to a relatives church last year and notice that people came to the church to give thanks but some how neglected to maintain the "house of the Lord". I took it upon myself that one day I'd like to give this church a face-lift and restore it to its former glory and low and behold I started working on it yesterday-now thats what I call a blessing. I guess I was out of a job for a while for a reason -this was waiting for me. So I encourage all of you out there, dream big, dream small but what ever you do, keep dreaming!-it can only happen if you believe it.

Peace Brothers (& sisters)

Friday, February 4, 2011


This was my debut week as an Architectural Intern. I accepted an offer Monday morning, half and hour later got to the office and not long thereafter was off to council - all before noon! The next two days I settled in, got acquainted with the daily running of things, bonded with a few cats and made coffee from a gas stove for the first time. I started draughting on autocad 2006 (a later version to what we are accustom to). The two projects I am busy with are minor renovations and extentions to existing residential houses. Who knew for such minor things one needs so much detail and information. I learnt on Monday-will chating to those at Council-that alot of information/detail is needed at the zoning counter regarding the purpose/function of the building(s) proposed. Example, if you are building a creche, thay need to know the schedule pertaining to play time and nap time so that the neighbours are aware of its daily operations and that they are not disturded. You also require a whole sherbang of documentations. I always knew Architects had a lot on their plates but when I heard that in the UK they need to summit site diagrams to show where they are going to mix cement and so on because you can't just mix it anywhere i.e. the road, because you will get dust on the nextdoor neighbours property!!!  So now we have to do more unnecessary work. This has however been an interesting first week, learnt alot, got to explore on my own for two days while the architect was away, and got to sleep early this week and wake up a WHOLE hour later!!  long hours in front of the computer is un cool though. Until later. Chow

Friday, January 28, 2011

This Is Me

New Beginings

Our first assignment "This is me", describes who we are, our likes/dislikes and so on. I enjoyed compiling this exercise. It allowed me to reflect on the past year. I now have visual clarity as to how I've grown and changed as an individual. I appreciate the new people/friends that i've met and all the new interests that I've acquired. First year was hard but I finished the year on a high note(academically), therefore, I am victorious.This year however, not so much. Iam still unemployed, although I have been to a few interviews. I just have to be patient, all good things take time. God puts these challenges in our way knowing that we can overcome them and be humbled by it. This applies to blogging as well, which is difficult and new for me. I will try and try again and be successful (courtesy of all the helpers out there).

Here's a preview of what I'm about.
Welcome to Me!

this is me

This Is Me

New Beginings

Our first Blog assignment for the year "this is me" is to describe ourselves and to state our likes/dislikes and so on. I enjoyed compiling this assignment. It allowed me to re-access myself and see all the new interests that I've acquired over that past year. There are still many things out there that i have yet to discover, particularly throughout this year.  

But for now, here's a small preveiw.

Friday, January 21, 2011


Ive officially entered into the 21st century! Looking forward to blogging with the rest of you blogsters.
Its gonna take me a while to get use to this higher grade technology since i'm a deputant facebooker aswell!

Heres to higher prospects in 2011!!!!!

Happy blogging.